Types of Cheques in banks - What kind of cheque you want

types of cheque

A cheque is an unconditional order addressed to a banker,signed by the person who has deposited money with a banker,requesting him to pay on demand a certain sum of money only to the order of certain person or to the bearer of the instrument.

Types of Cheques

  • Bearer Cheque - The cheque in which the payment is made to any person whopresents the chequeto the bank. Or Bearer cheque are the cheques which withdrawn to the cheque's owner.These types of cheques normally used for cash transaction.
  • Order Cheque - The cheque in which the payment is made only to the person whosename is specifiedin the cheque. Or Order cheque are the cheques which is withdrawn for the payee(the cheque withdrawn for whose person).Before withdrawn to that payee,banks cross check the identity of the payee.
  • Crossed Cheque - Crossed cheque means that the two transverse parallel lines are made on the face of the cheque, to give a better title to the holder of the cheque. Such a type of cheque can only be transferred to the payee’s account. Or On that type of cheques two parallel line made on the upper part of the cheques,then that cheques formed to crossed cheques.This type of cheques payment does not formed in cash while the payment of that type pf cheques transferred to the payee account and the normal person's account who recommend by the holder on the cheque.
crossed cheque

  • Uncrossed Cheque - The uncrossed cheque is a kind of cheque which is made payable at the time of presenting it.
  • Stale Cheque - The type of cheque, which ispresented after the specified time of three monthsis a stale cheque. Or If any cheque issue by a holder does not get withdrawn from the bank till three months,then that type of cheques are called stale cheque.
  • Account Payee Cheque - When two parallel lines along with a crossed made on the cheque and the word 'ACCOUNT PAYEE' written between these lines,then that types of cheques are called account payee cheque.The payment of the account payee cheque taken place on the person,firm or company on which name the cheque issue.
  • Company Crossed Cheque - When two parallel lines along with a crossed made on the cheque and the word 'COMPANY' written between these lines,then that types of cheques are called company crossed cheques.Then type of withdrawn does not taken in cash while the person on which the cheque issue,transferred on its account.Normally crossed cheque and company crossed cheque are same.
  • Post Dated Cheque - If any cheque issue by a holder to the payee for the upcoming withdrawn date,then that type of cheques are called post dated cheque.
  • Anti Dated Cheque - If any cheque issue for the upcoming withdrawn date but it withdraw before the date printed on the cheque,then that type of cheques are called anti dated cheques.


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